
Many of the energy services  around the house use electricity. It is extremely important to have various safety devices to protect from fire and electrocution. Industrial electricity use has similar problems.  

But now there is no need for multiple safety devices as we have made a revolution in electrical world, SAFEON Power Purifier that protects you and your loved ones from all electric perils. 

It provides 360 protection from electric perils, being multi utility electrical safety device. 

SAFEON Power Purifier device comes with a committed 1 year replacement Guarantee and lifelong extended warranty along with AMC charges against any manufacturing defect. 

SAFEON Power Purifier is insured under Product Liability Insurance for upto Rs1.25 crore for any single claim under Guarantee Period. 

SAFEON is equipped with following features…

  • Electric shock- fight against electric shock
  • Hi-voltage protection- SAFEON also saves the domestic appliances and wiring  from high voltage fault in main line.
  • Surge and spike protection- SAFEON has surge and spike absorber that protects very delicate appliances like computer/laptops, microwaves from surge.
  • Genset/Inverter compatible- this device is generator & inverter compatible
  • Alarm on current leakage- An alarm will buzz when you come in contact with a live wire or electric appliance with current leakage.
  • Safe electric repairs- no need to switch off main power supply to repair electric fault.
  • Overload security- SAFEON will cut the power if there is overload. When consumption increases from pre-set limit. SAFEON device will cut power. This saves wiring from heating.
  • Short circuit protection- SAFEON saves us from the possible short-circuit hazards by cutting power immediately. 


Short circuit is cause of most fires:

57,540 fires have broken out in Mumbai between 2008 and 2020. In 2020, a total of 3,841 fire accidents killed 33 people and injured 99.

1,568 fires have been reported in high-rises between 2008 and 2018.

Medical hazards of electric shock:

  • Burns- We all know about the burns due to electric shock. At times, these burns are more harmful than fire-burns. Heat due to resistance of human body can cause chronic burns.
  • Ventricular fibrillation- Electric shock may cause ventricular fibrillation. This leads to unusual contraction of heart muscles, making them quiver rather than contract property.
  • Neurological effects- Electric current causes severe interference with the nervous control. It adversely affects especially the routine function of heartbeat and the lungs.
  • Lifetaking hazrads- Electric shock may go worst by taking one’s life…

If a person comes in contact with heavy electric shock, it may cause the death of that person.